Monday, October 19, 2009


Here is my current list of drugs I will be looking at. I came to this list by looking at a few things; I looked at the top 300 list of most commonly prescribed drugs, drugs by their schedule ranking (as determined by the US Drug Enforcement Administration), by what the US Department of Health and Human Services and SAMHA's National Clearing House for Alcohol and Drug Information found to be highly used, and by what the National Institute on Drug Abuse found to be commonly abused.

Prescribed Drugs:
Vicodin, Oxycontin, Valium, Xanax, Prozac, Adderall, Ritalin, Duragesic (fentanyl), Amytal, and Nardil
Possibly Cymbalta and Ambien as well.

OTC Drugs:
A Cough and Cold Syrup/Pill with dextromethorphan ( DXM), Coriciden (also contains DXM), Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, Grape Fruit Juice, Alcohol, and Tobacco
Possibly diet pills. Those can be abused for a "speed like" feeling.

Street Drugs:
Ketamine, Cocaine, Heroin, Marijuana, Methamphetamine, Ecstasy, LSD, Mushrooms - Psilocybin, Angel Dust/PCP, Opium

I think I might need to reduce the number of drugs I am looking at. Twenty seven is quite a few, but I think each one is definitely worth the time to include. We'll see...

I've limited the information I'm looking at to:
What is this drug? - Basic and general information about what this drug is
How commonly is this drug used/abused? -  This explains why I'm looking at this drug (out of all the thousands of drugs out there). I might add how it is abused, the process of abuse... something along these lines.
What are known side effects? - Stating known effects of these drugs alone. I think it might be interesting to show what effects can happen just by the drug itself.
What are known interactions? - Besides what I am comparing in my chart.
Dosage/Pill Strength or what you can buy on the "streets" - I think its important to have a constant amount to base usage off of. Its hard to calculate dosage of street drugs, so I'm going by the amount you can buy. That is the most constant measurement I can go buy.

I'm not looking at any other information because I only want information that is related and helpful to understanding my chart. This helps weed out a lot of text and content as information about each of these drugs are endless. 

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